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Around Australia 2003

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Journal for 18-Oct-2003 : Coolgardie

Awoke several time during the night. Each time it was raining not lightly on the tent.

Clear cold morning, with a scything southerly cross wind blowing and antarctic chill. The sun seems to be coming up rather early now. It was light well before I woke up (properly) at 5:45am.

Legs very, very, very sore this morning. Oh we *really* needed a rest day back at Merredin. The Great Eastern Highway here is a succession of low hills. They don't take much to climb, but every day we are adding to the lactic acid in our legs that first bloody hill (it's getting longer in my mind steeper each day) out of Perth put there. Today it's proving neigh on impossible to bend over or sit down without grabbing on to something - or someone.

Lots of nice bush all along the road again today. Also lots of excellent bush camping opportunities. We cycled through a Nature Reserve, a National Park, a Conservation reserve and a whole bunch of unallocated wilderness that all looked remarkably similar.

There is a rest area marked "scenic lookout", with a walking trail that leads promisingly up a large flat rock. Uluru this ain't, and the view from the top of the rock is rather similar to that at the bottom: more trees.

Again a westerly breeze came up after lunch (at 99km) so we made good time to Coolgardie. Once in town we made several unsuccessful attempts to contact Linda's Parents to arrange our rendeveux at Kalgoorlie. Modern communications can be hit and miss in the outback!

Went to sleep listening to the sound of the caravan park cat pleading with someone to help it down out of a tree.

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